Amolofoi beach

Somewhat hidden next to Nea Peramos, but apparently well known. Perhaps because of the lightly dressed waitresses serving the guests at the amazingly numerous beach bars? The deck chairs reach to the sea. If you want to, you can have your feet in the water, the Frappé within reach...

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Meze Meze

Beautiful restaurant, ideal for a short evening walk.

From your apartment in direction of the beach, then turn left at the road and follow it.  Michalis is looking forward to your visit and prepares the most delicious things.





On Monday mornings they say "Kalós írthate stin agorá"

Here you can discover a wide range of local products at unbeatable prices. From this you can conjure up the best Greek dishes in your own holiday kitchen. Enjoy it with a nice glass of wine on your balcony

and enjoy the sunset....  


Helpful links:

Airlines to Thessaloniki:

Aegan Air, Eurowings, Ryanair, Easyjet


To Kavala during the season:

Eurowings, Condor, Tuifly,


For the non flying: The ferry companies:

Superfast ferries, Minoan Lines


Webcam Kavala


Bus schedule (bus stop in front of the church across the street)

from Touzla to Kavala:


from Touzla to Thessaloniki

*:not on saturday and sunday; **: not on sunday 


Should you have a hint or a link is out of date, please let us know.